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Our partners enable us to connect the needs of the schools with the intellectual and financial resources of the community. Mentoring and tutoring, volunteering, internships, financial contributions and in-kind donations are just a few ways that partners significantly impact student achievement.

In addition to developing business partnerships, Atlanta Public Schools values the active engagement of school neighborhoods and communities. Part of the district’s community outreach efforts include providing opportunities for families and the community to offer valuable input into the overall learning experiences of our students. Atlanta Public Schools officials would also welcome an invitation to attend your upcoming community meetings to share pertinent information on district goals and initiatives and news about your neighborhood schools.



Our mission is to work with all students to provide a quality education in a safe, supportive environment. Our vision is to build a community of lifelong learners that become responsible individuals, independent thinkers, and productive citizens. Through our system goals we commit to provide a challenging, comprehensive instructional, and curricular program for all learners; a school environment that is safe and supportive and enhances the learning process; and to improve communication throughout the school community.



Our Mission
Is to educate every student to be a responsible, productive citizen.

Our Vision
Is for all students to learn to their full potential.

Value Statements
• Each Fulton County school will educate every student to his/her fullest potential
• Fulton County will engage parents as key partners in the educational process.
• Each Fulton County school will be the preferred school for its students and parents.
• Each Fulton County school will provide greater value for each child’s educational experience when compared to top-performing public and private schools in the nation.
• Fulton County schools will prepare each student to excel in a rapidly changing global society.



The mission of the Cobb County School District is to provide an academically rigorous, caring and safe educational environment in partnership with families, students and the community.

Our vision is that all children will receive the respect, encouragement and opportunities they need to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be successful, contributing members of a global society.



Mission Statement
The mission of Clayton County Public Schools is to be accountable for providing a globally competitive education that empowers students to achieve academic and personal goals and to become productive, responsible citizens.

Vision Statement
The vision of Clayton County Public Schools is to be a district of excellence preparing ALL students to successfully compete in a global economy.

Belief Statements

– Education is the shared responsibility of the home, the school, and the community.
– An involved parent will enhance the educational experience of every child.
– Communication and understanding among all stakeholders of our diverse community are essential to achieving the goals of education.
– Learning is most productive when the needs of each child are met through instruction provided by competent teachers.
– We believe that learning is a continuous process.
– A learning environment where children experience security, care, dignity, and respect is essential.
– We believe that children have first priority on all of our resources.
– Children must accept responsibility for their learning and improvement of their future.



The mission of Communities In Schools is to connect community resources with schools to help young people successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life.

Communities In Schools facilitates partnerships with businesses and health services, faith and civic groups, juvenile justice and youth development agencies, and hundreds of dedicated individuals who are committed to helping students stay in school.
Through these powerful partnerships, we address the needs of students by working closely with school staff and parents. Our services target the specific causes of children quitting school. The result: teachers are free to teach.

Communities In Schools believes that every child needs and deserves:
– A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult
– A healthy start and a healthy future
– A safe place to learn and grow
– A marketable skill to use upon graduation
– A chance to give back to peers and community.



United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta engages all segments of our community to drive sustainable change in education, income, health and homelessness while continuing to address urgent and basic human care.

Our vision is for metro Atlanta to be a place where all individuals and families thrive. We are working on six important goals to ensure a strong community.
• Babies are born healthy
• Children enter school ready to learn and graduate prepared for careers
• Young people avoid risky behaviors
• Families are self-sufficient
• People have access to primary health care
• Homeless people are housed within one year

Both volunteer leaders and United Way staff professionals affirm the importance of living our values every day.

Our Values
Authentic – Responsive, inclusive, transparent, externally-focused, collaborative partner that operates with integrity and accountability
Relevant – Strategic, solutions-driven, cost-effective organization that is diverse, nimble and empowering
Catalyst – Convener and mobilizer leverages the community’s expertise, assets, empathy and access to power.

Commitment to Diversity
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta seeks to maximize our external and internal contributions by valuing, utilizing and recognizing everyone’s unique potential in order to more fully achieve the goal of building a safer and stronger community.



In this new century, The Salvation Army is serving more people in the USA than ever before. We are already seeing large increases in the number of Americans seeking the basic necessities of life – food, shelter, and warmth. More than 30 million people received help from The Salvation Army in 2008, but the magnitude of the mission facing The Salvation Army in communities throughout the United States remains great.



To protect the best interests of the child and the community, to restore the lives of children who have been neglected or abused, to redirect children who have admitted to or have been found in violation of the law to become law abiding, productive citizens, and to support the continuity of families by leaving children in their homes whenever possible.



The Fulton County Juvenile Court is the largest Juvenile Justice Center in the Southeast and has jurisdiction over most children under age 17 who are charged with violating any criminal law, as well as children under age 18 who are alleged to be deprived (neglected or abused) or status offenders. Fulton County Juvenile Court receives over 12,000 new cases and schedules over 30,000 hearings annually. A “case” may include as many as ten children in one family.



Counties Served: Fulton, Cobb, Dekalb, Douglas, Clayton.

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